Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Stay fit by eating? You are not dreaming.

If you have to choose only ONE from the below, which will you choose?

Will you choose this tasty grilled chicken with juicy cherry tomatoes?


Will you choose to have a perfect body shape?

Dilemma hits my head everytime I see this kind of question.
Good food gives me happiness, but upset my body shape.
Good body shape gives me confidence in dressing, but I have to upset my stomach.

 We just couldn't have both at the same time.


What if I say you can have both now?

Yes! It is possible that you can have both a pretty body and good food at the same time! Are you excited? Because I definitely am! 
Talking about a pretty body shape, what comes to your mind? Lose weight? Stop eating? Burn fats? Do tons of exercises? Taking pills? Or it is an impossible mission to you?

Exercise seems to be the best way to keep fit and healthy at the same time. However, without controlling the food you eat, you will be eating all the "weight" back to your body. 

So, to keep a fit body shape in a healthy condition, here are 5 alternative ways for you. You know what? The 5 alternative ways are all foods that can help you in losing weight. Let's see what they are.

1. Cacao Powder (Chocolate powder)

Dark Cacao Power is also known as "dark chocolate powder" without sugar. Yeah, people always says that consuming chocolate will make you fat right? Well, happy for people who love chocolate flavour like I do, we got our savior here! 

How does it work?
The dark cacao powder provides high antioxidant and polyphenols which help to improve digestion (with lesser body waste, the lighter you will be). Other than that, it also helps to keep cardiovascular health and control your blood pressure and blood glucose level. It not only enhances the taste but keeping us slim and healthy.

Tips: Add a tablespoon of Cacao powder into your smoothie and yogurt.

(Smoothie with cacao powder)

2. Cinnamon Powder

Cinnamon is a kind of spice which often used in enhancing the flavour of desserts. Can you imagine that it can help in reducing weight? 

How does it work?
Cinnamon contains mineral and fibre that our body needs each day. It can help to maintain healthy body weight and smoothen the bowel movement by just a tablespoon a day. 

Tips: Add a tablespoon of cinnamon into your honey lemon tea. It may sound weird, but the effect is going to be great.

Anyway, let me share you a tasty little recipe that combines the use of cacao powder and cinnamon powder here. Perhaps you can consider it as your breakfast next day!

Firstly, get your ingredients ready!

Then, you just need to put all these ingredients into a jar and keep it into your fridge!
 It is that simple. 
I've tried it. It really tastes good, at the same time it is healthy and easy to be prepared! It is suitable for people who are a heavy-eater like me.

3. Turmeric (also known as "kunyit" in the Malay language)

Well, you may not be familiar with the picture showed above. What if I say it always appear in our Malaysian food? Such as..

Curry! (My favourite)

The Dal that we usually eat with roti canai.

Familiar with it now? 
*Well, I'm hungry to talk about it now.*

Did not realise that the foods we are so familiar with are containing substant that going to burn our fats right? It's okay, it's not too late to know it now. Haha.

How does it works?
Turmeric is one of the anti-inflammatory foods which contains antioxidant. The anti-inflammatory food is believed to minimize the carbohydrate and sugar level that you consume, therefore, burn up the fats in your body.

Tips: Other than the foods showed above, you can also add turmeric as seasoning to meats (preferably lean meat) before you cook. Maybe you can make a turmeric grilled chicken?

(Turmeric Grilled Chicken)

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil? What comes into our mind is "oil" equals to "fat", how is it possible in assisting us in losing weight?

How does it works?
Coconut oil serves more saturated fat compared to the normal cooking oil and it is considered as healthy fat. Other than that, it is rich in fatty acids which make you feel full easily and increase your body metabolism. It suppresses your appetite and  burns your body fat at the same time. 

Tips: Use coconut oil in your daily cooking. Food will still taste good without blocking your journey to a healthier and slimmer body. 

5. Honey

Who says that sweet food is going to trouble us with fat? Honey is sweet, but it is going to help us in weight loss. But not all honey is going to benefit you, the best choice will be raw organic honey.

How does it works?
Honey is rich in enzymes and antioxidant which keeps your digestive system works happily. Body with a good digestive system is definitely helping you to slim down without much effort other than eating.

Tips: Add honey into the water or lemon drinks to serve as honey lemon drinks. You may also add it to the waffle or fruit as you wish.

(Honey Lemon drink)

(Honey waffle)

  Yummy. Together with these tasty foods, you won't  feel that you are actually on a weight loss programme, aren't you?

Although you will be losing weight by consuming these foods, however, bear in mind that these foods are just assisting you in your journey of keeping fit. Balance diet and exercise are still needed for a healthier body.

Let's grab our foods and start our mouth exercise now for a greater body shape.

Stay happy, stay fit! Enjoy.

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