Sunday, 8 March 2015

Oil + Water

Ever wonder why some of us will never be friends even though we did not hate each other.
Wondering why sometimes things just can’t be mixed?
Why some of us manage to do so for the beginning, but after some time, we failed.
Why some of us try hard but we still out-group?

Is it the matter to do with ourselves? 
Yes, it might be.

But, what if it wasn’t...

Just like oil and water will not mix together, no matter how hard to mix them.
Try to blend, stir, shake, and whatsoever, they will never mix.
The oil will always separate from the water and float on top of water.
They're "born" to be that way.
So, are humans born that way also?

How about... we can mix with others at first but after quite some time, our relationship faded?
Is it like the making of milo drinks?
We may mix the milo with water, they do mix well.
But after a moment, without stiring or touching, the milo will sink to the bottom of the water.
They know each other, but they are no longer mixing together.
Relationship does fade when we are no long putting effort in making it. 

Do we really born that way?
If you ask me about this, I would say.. it might be YES.
Not everyone will be born like "perfectly-sociable" medium.
Even the breathing air may get in "conflict" with friction of the woods in creating fire.
No one will be perfect and get social with everyone.
No one will get to be friend with everyone.

It all depends on who are you dealing with..
Everyone is different.
Accept the fact that water may not mix with oil.
Look from the other sides, we are born to be mix with someone who we can.
To be simple, water can be mix with water.
At least we can mix with the milo for awhile.. right?

Appreciate is what we can do, no matter you're the oil or water.
We will be accepted and be loved by someone in our life.


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